
TTCN-3 in RESTFul APIs testing.

TTCN-3 as powerful test automation technology can be effectively used in RESTFul API-s testing.
Test automation workflow of RESTFul APIs using TTCN-3 includes following steps:
1.Define TTCN-3 data types for RESTFul API endpoints:
 – Automatic conversion of JSON Schemas (swagger.json) or
 – Semiautomatic conversion of JSON bodies to TTCN-3 types
2.Develop test cases for RESTFul API endpoints
 – Request/Response pairs for endpoints
 – Test logic depending on endpoint
3.Execute test case(s)
4.Analyze results

Elvior has released “out of the box solution” for steps above; introductory slides are available here; for more information please contact elvior@elvior.com .
