The TTCN-3 User Conference (T3UC) is an annual event which brings together the TTCN-3 community. T3UC 2009 is organized by ETSI 3 – 5 June 2009 in ETSI, Sophia Antipolis. T3UC will feature tutorials and presentations from members of the TTCN-3 user community and other invited speakers.Elvior is supporting this event as a platinum sponsor and exhibitor, showcasing its TTCN-3 technology offerings. Elvior’s model-based TTCN-3 testing technology includes a model based test generator MOTES that generates TTCN-3 test cases from the UML state machines and MessageMagic TTCN-3 tool for tests development and execution.Elvior will give in the conference a presentation “Model based TTCN-3 testing – experiences from industrial case studies” where we will discuss about two practical case studies about applying our model-based TTCN-3 technology in practice.It would be a great pleasure for Elvior to meet you at the event. We are proud to demonstrate you the advantages of our TTCN-3 technology. Come and talk with us about you test automation needs. We might have for you the solution.